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Primer on Employment Law
This article presents a brief overview of employment law issues that arise at various points in the employment cycle, recruitment, offer of employment, performance management, employment termination.
Probationary Employment
This article presents many facets of legal issues of probationary employment agreements. Probation is, “a trial period during which the employer will review and evaluate the employee’s suitability for ongoing employment.
Unionized Workplaces
This article is for unionized workplaces. It explains briefly how a workplace may become unionized and highlights some of the procedures and avenues that may be available to unionized employees who are concerned about their employment or union representation.
Trade Secrets Confidential Information and the Employment Relationship
This article deals with the employers need to ensure that their intangible business assets are protected, and employees need to be free to use their skills without fear of being sued by former employers.
There are no hard and fast rules to govern this, as such, this paper outlines general concepts and specific cases in which they are applied to help the reader understand how trade secrets and/or confidential information may be treated in their employee/employer relationship.